We are CHOICE!

A motley crew with space for even more color

The mix of over 200 different characters and traits is what sets us apart. But we have one thing in common: The constant search for new ways to inspire our customers and ourselves. We are always looking for like-minded people who can complement our Choice family.

This being said: Nice to meet you!


As a HR Business Partner, I support our employees and managers in all HR-related matters, offering advice and assistance, and I have the opportunity to help shape the personnel development at Choice. The diversity of topics and people I get to work with here is what makes this job at Choice so special for me. Additionally, there is a wonderful team: we support each other, drive topics forward together, and work constructively and with a lot of heart.

Felix, Management Associate


As a Management Associate, I work for the management of Choice and at the interface with the Management Board. Shaping and driving the sustainable development of the company gives me the opportunity to use my skills and talents and to develop myself further every day. It is particularly the diverse areas of responsibility and tasks that make the job exciting.


In the area of claims management, we handle accident damage and diminished value appraisals, among other things. We handle communication with insurance companies and provide our mobility partners with advice and support. Our activities are varied, challenging and exciting; no two days are the same. I particularly appreciate the cooperation with my colleagues in the team, with our different core competencies we complement each other perfectly. If Team Claims is represented in the office, fun at work is inevitable.

Join the Choice Team

Colorful Choice office with employees in Nuremberg
To the vacan

Would you like to become part of the Choice team?
You can find our current vacancies in the career portal.

Professional Onboarding

"I was warmly welcomed right from the start.
The onboarding process left nothing to be desired."
Donjeta, Payroll Specialist (Choiceian since 2020)
Plate with food at a Choice event

Team events and activities

No matter if it's a christmas party or a pub quiz - it has to be fun!

We celebrate together at regular team events and get to know each other better outside the office.

In addition to our legendary summer parties and Christmas celebrations, English Breakfasts and PubQuiz evenings, we always find new opportunities for a #GetTogether.

Join our great team and look forward to an unforgettable time with us.

Insights of legendary Choice-Events

Mehrere Choice Mitarbeiter im Choice Diner
Choice Mitarbeiter beim Kickern
Choice Mitarbeiter beim Soft-Air spielen im Action Park
Vorspeisen-Häppchen bei einem Choice Event

Create and cooperate as a team

What defines Choice are the colleagues, the common creative will and the active cooperation.
Hop-Lynn, Product Manager (Choiceian since 2020)

Browse current vacancies

Colorful Choice office with employees in Nuremberg
To the vacan

Would you like to become part of the Choice team?
You can find our current vacancies in the career portal.

Do you have any questions?

Our People & Culture team will be happy to help you

HR Business Partner Daniela Meinzolt

Contact us

People & Culture

+49 911 480499-66


Working with Choice in Nuremberg or in Kaliwerk Berlin

Büro Kaliwerk Berlin
Größere Karte ansehen

Choice AG
Thomas-Mann-Straße 16 - 20
90471 Nürnberg

+49 911 480499-0

Büro Kaliwerk Berlin
Dessauer Str. 28-29
10963 Berlin

+49 30 3464668-0
